The Incessant Need For Crisis

Jim Watkins | July 1, 2024

Steve Lapa, Rest in Peace


Jim Watkins | June 19, 2024

Scientific expert: ‘Zero’ evidence for natural COVID-19 origin

Scientists in a Capitol Hill hearing fiercely debated whether COVID-19 sprung from a laboratory accident or naturally spilled over from animals to humans.
— Read on

The Great Collapse

Jim Watkins | June 3, 2024

Los Angeles looking East from MacArthur Park District towards downtown, home to 8 million people. (Photo AP)

The Rubicon

Jim Watkins | May 30, 2024

Jim Watkins is the host of America Today on the Talk Media Network and the host of Speaking Out with Jim Watkins on Spotify. Follow him on X @realjimatkins1

Who Does Robert DeNiro Think He is?

Jim Watkins | May 28, 2024

I defend Robert De Niro’s right to hate Donald Trump.

I defend one of the greatest American actors of all time, and his right to speak out against Trump if that is what he wants to spend his stardom on.

Isn’t America great?

What troubles me is that De Niro has unfortunately been duped into becoming a useful idiot for the Left.

I’m not sure where the New York actor sits about Biden, or Democrats in general, but while he is busy fuming about Trump being the source of all evil, his wonderful and once beautiful city is falling apart right before his eyes, and he has prioritized his mission in life going after a straw man, instead of using his gravitas to hold people accountable who have made New York a shithole.

Trump isn’t the problem. He never was. 

The deep administrative State that is the federal government has metastasized into a growing cancer. Technology has provided an accelerant to an already massive power-grab that won’t stop until every U.S. citizens is made to confirm to a new social order. 

Does De Niro blame Trump for the high crime in all major U.S. cities?

Does De Niro care at all about the porous U.S. border and the amount of human trafficking going on, or the massive shipment of drugs coming in headed toward cities big and small, causing tens of thousands of deaths every month? 

Is De Niro really okay with entire countries being forced by law to take an experimental drug to “cure” a flu that was most likely created by the very people who are now selling you the vaccine? 

Why is Robert De Niro more occupied with his hatred about a man, instead of being angry at the political leaders going after Trump and making him the bogeyman everyone is supposed to fear, when the very people making the charge are actually the ones who pose a real threat?

Robert De Niro got a lotta good breaks in life, due partly because of talent but also because he looks like the kind of tough-guy-hero we can all relate to, whether it’s with characters like Michael from The Deer Hunter, the cab driver crazy guy in Taxi, or the rising mob king Michael Corleone in The Godfather. No doubt his performed his roles well and made a lot of money in the process.

All the more reason I don’t understand why, on the issue of Trump, he has made this his Moby Dick.

Was he slighted? Did someone close to him get ripped off by Trump? Was Trump hurtful to De Niro, or has there always been animosity that almost makes it seem personal?

Some have said De Niro may be projecting an adult figure in his own life he hated who Trump reminds him of.

Who cares. It is personal for him, but this doesn’t give De Niro the privilege of telling other people how to vote or what to think. That’s where I call foul.

Express all you wish, but to tell people Trump is “a danger,” and is going to “destroy the world” is going to extremes. The people in charge now are the ones you should be barking about, not a billionaire mogul who hates how our current leadership is slowly destroying the United States from within, the greatest country on earth.

It would be better if one of my favorite actors of all time would join me and try to do something about child trafficking, malevolent corporations who keep people sick, or the endless wars that our country seems to sponsor at every turn in history, just to pad the pockets of big-donor stockholders within the military-industrial complex.

These issues could use the attention of Robert De Niro, and for that matter, every other ungodly-rich actor in Hollywood and New York, who sit in their sanctimonious chairs telling the rest of us who we should vote for, so they can enjoy the finer things of life at our expense; those who never have to worry about a meal, or a gig, or a child who goes to work at night and may never come home because of gangs and thugs who prey on the rest of us. But not you, Robert, with your fancy Manhattan apartment, looking down on us, the deplorables, who happen to disagree with you.

Prediction on the Trump Verdict

Jim Watkins | May 24, 2022

Family Is Dying In The West


Gaianism – The New World Religion

Jim Watkins | May 13, 2024

Patrick Wood recently authored a substack paper that attempts to explain a new world religion emerging as part of the overall One Health Initiative, which posits “saving the planet,” by bringing about global “equity” through wealth redistribution under the guise of health and energy conservation.

Young people, having been indoctrinated into the green revolution are attracted to this new ideology and replacing traditional religion with “going green,” a more pagan-like universalism, where we simply hand power over to overlords who make sure everyone complies with saving Gaia, our planet.

This new ideology involves a lot of intersectionality, as it unites socialism with left-wing globalism, bringing calls for surveillance, censorship, transhumanism, the demise of the family unit (as a priority influence), environmentalism and population control. 

What this new world order does not include is Judeo-Christian values or philosophy, nor established Western-styled democracy as envisioned by thinkers like Socrates and Marcus Aurelius, or even the Founding Fathers, who strongly believed individual rights and an intelligent citizenry is the best approach achieving happiness for the greatest number of people, and especially to prevent the over-consolidation of power, the sole aim of globalism.

Young people today, having been stripped of any spiritual identity because secularism has been taught in public schools since the late 1940’s, have little difficulty in transferring their beliefs in Jesus, God or Allah, to the more placid and material Gaianism, a belief-system where its adherents derive comfort knowing they are “taking action,” because they have been “empowered” to“save the planet.” Not since the first army of Christians emerged from Jerusalem has there been this much enthusiasm for a global cause, instigated, of course, by anti-Western forces who hope to turn the entire planet into a socialist hellhole where worship is transferred from deity to the State.

Like any religion, believers must follow its tenets in order to receive grace. Chief among them is you must believe Western industrialism and ideas of liberty, free speech, private property and Christian orthodoxy is inherently evil. To the Gaiast, these are oppressive constructs created by White Europeans, and later, promoted by American Imperialism, itself cloaked in Christian theocracy.

Gaianism is rooted falsehood, that man-made carbon is making the planet hotter and allowing civilized nations to oppress and exploit third world countries through the causing of extreme weather events that destroy lands and force migration of the indigenous. 

An army of highly educated people today believe Western societies owe the people of Bangladesh billions in reperations because of annual floods they endure (from climate change) , that the West also owes many African countries for the devastation of drought – also caused by man-made climate change (i.e., the West).

For this the world must atone.

The answer? 

Form a coalition of chosen experts who will, through their vast wisdom and understanding of the sciences, govern the means of production and distribution of energy, food and land, and make it more equitable to all. This is what Bill Gates calls “following the science.”

Forgotten is the scientific fact that man only contributes 3-5% of the total carbon on the planet. Even if we were to completely stop producing energy today the environmental impact would be negligible. We would, however, accomplish another goal: disrupt progress and force everyone to live in impoverished conditions until enough of the population dies off from starvation so that there will simply be less mouths to feed (Gates said as much at a Ted Talks lecture in 2015).

While there is an argument that can be made to address consumption excess and diverting our wealth to solve the world’s pollution and food problem, there is no substantive argument for making people who are producing pay for those who are not, and in doing so, alter the planetary heat index, not to mention completely dismantling the last two-hundred years of progress that has actually raised the global standard of living.

If Bill Gates really wanted help the planet, why not use his fortunes build school and hire teacher in every village on the continent in Africa and Asia, instead of pouring billions into seed-clouding with the hopes of lowering the global temperature?

If George Soros or Mark Zuckerberg really cared about humanity, why not throw their resources into supporting literacy programs with emphasis on the sciences, arts, literature and world history, instead of supporting divisive initiatives that promote violence, civil unrest and general unsettledness between peoples?

Supporting DA’s around the world who want to reform social justice by decriminalizing bad behavior isn’t helping the planet “heal.” Why not support faith-based initiatives (or private schools) that allow, for example, students to conduct prayer in school, instead of a secular “moment of silence.”

The Open Door Society should stop buying bricks and start buying books to make sure every kid can be literate by the time they are 14, not watering down public schools by turning academia into one giant activism factory. 

The Real Purpose of Religion in the Modern Age

At the root of Christianity is the family unit, which must be safeguarded and preserved, otherwise all hope is lost and the governments of the world will become like the Church of the 15th Century.

They, the unelected planners and wealthy land barons (Hedge fund managers and corporate board influencers) wish to govern us as our overlords. And they wish to force us into absolving our materialistic “sins” through confession, repentance, compliance and service to Gaia, and be forced to make sacrifices for new modern sins of carbon use, hate-thought-crimes and daring to challenge whatever narrative happens to keep people from the knowing the truth.

We will own nothing and be happy.