The Great Collapse

Jim Watkins | June 3, 2024

Los Angeles looking East from MacArthur Park District towards downtown, home to 8 million people. (Photo AP)

The Rubicon

Jim Watkins | May 30, 2024

Jim Watkins is the host of America Today on the Talk Media Network and the host of Speaking Out with Jim Watkins on Spotify. Follow him on X @realjimatkins1

You Are Going To Lose Joe – And Why We Will Savor Every Moment

Original Commentary by Jim Watkins

Let me speak for about 100 million Americans when I say to you, Joe Robinette Biden, that not only will you lose the election in 2024, you will fall from grace faster than Paul Baumgarten falling to earth after jumping out of a high-altitude orbit cruiser.

Your term will come crashing to an end, and our only chief concern as a nation on November 7th will be to determine if it’s too late to steer the good ship America away from the iceberg of wreckage you left behind when stole the 2020 elections through mail-in ballot fraud, the largest in U.S. history.

It will be colossal, and it will go a long way to satisfying my immediate need for retribution because when you do lose, it may and suddenly dawn on you that your political life has come to a resounding Hindenburg end; a big, fat extra impact bold FAIL etched across your forehead for all to see.

My second hope is that squatters will have infiltrated your home before you drag your sorry and defeated ass back to Delaware, and yes, take the fucking train because the beast no longer belongs to you.

The only regret is knowing you will still receive the benefits of being a Senator, Vice-president, and President, even though you did absolutely nothing to improve our country during your time “serving the American people” in the 50 years you took up space and oxygen in Washington DC.

I will take enormous pleasure in knowing no other generation will ever have to suffer under a more inept and incompetent presidency such as yours.

I will take some morsel of relief knowing no more people will (hopefully) needlessly suffer or die because of your decisions and policies, but I will also continue to hold you personally responsible for every overdose, rape and murder committed at the hands of any illegal migrant you encouraged to come into our country under your watch.

The lasting impact of your negligence and hubris as commander-in-chief will cast a lasting and dark shadow across the fruited plains for decades to come, and when future leaders aspire to the presidency, they will have a handbook on what NOT to do when elected. Yours will be the template for failure, a benchmark of ineptitude no one dare approach for fear of drawing comparison to your legacy. The terms “pulling a Biden,” and “don’t do a Biden,” I predict, will become common nomenclature. The very word BIDEN will run synonymous with ABJECT FAILURE.

It is said The Egyptian King Ikhnaton was so hated by his countrymen, that even his son, Tutankhamun, changed his name so as to distance himself from his father-king out of shame for what he did to almost destroy the great Egyptian empire over 5,000 years ago. It appears you now hold the title of “most-despised world leader in human history.”

History remembers great success and great failure, and the name Biden will most assuredly hold the symbolic reigns representing the latter. I only hope you are made to suffer this remorse for as long as possible while you wither away, begging for your last breath. And be prepared dear Joe, because when Lucifer welcomes you as a just and faithful steward, rest assured hell will greet you with the sounds of heartbeats of a million little children you had a hand in destroying.

Never has such a dark force invaded the White House more than during your 12 years of occupancy. Your legacy will stand for a millenia, and no other previous politician can ever hope to gain the immortal status you have achieved by compromising your beliefs while simultaneously selling out your country for a quick buck.

And when the day comes when you do take your last breath, in a twist of irony I hope it will come when your oxygen machine fails due to a power-grid failure brought on by lack of energy from a wind turbine trying to power a fleet of electric trucks.

Have a nice day.

Jim Watkins is host of Speaking Out with Jim Watkins on

Texas AG Ken Paxton Says Biden ‘Clearly in Partnership’ with Human Trafficking Cartels (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald

Texas AG Ken Paxton Says Biden ‘Clearly in Partnership’ with Human Trafficking Cartels (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald
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Military Survey: One World Leader’s Regime is Overwhelmingly Considered the Greatest Threat to America | The Gateway Pundit | by J.M. Phelps

Military Survey: One World Leader’s Regime is Overwhelmingly Considered the Greatest Threat to America | The Gateway Pundit | by J.M. Phelps
— Read on



A Prophecy of Modern Proportions

I am going to begin the story by telling you how it ends, and then briefly explain how we get there.

Joe Biden said today in a national press conference that “what happens now will determine the future of America and the world.” The president could not have uttered a more prophetic statement.

What is happening now will determine the fate of humanity in many respects.

On April 8th of this year, the second of two solar eclipses will end a seven-year dispensation period of what I believe is “the age of decision,” between a spiritual path and a secular one. There are two competing ideologies at play, globalism and the centralization of power, or individualism and emphasis on local power, the right to self-determination. It might seem abstract, but it is as obvious as the sun in the sky.

On April 8th, 2024 the shadow of the springtime eclipse will pass over Bald’s Knob cross; the previous eclipse in 2017 across the United States, in perpendicular fashion, also cast a shadow over this same cross. 

The date of the 2017 eclipse occurred on August 21st, which according to The Urantia Book, an obscure “revelatory document,” is the actual birthday of Jesus Christ. April 8th, the Urantia Book notes, is the Saturday between the crucifixion and the resurrection, hence the day Jesus returned to the “right hand of the Father.”

The significance of these two dates, set apart by seven years, and with both events marked by the passage over a large Cross at the edge of the Shawnee National Forest receives additional intrigue when you consider it was a Shawnee Indian prophet, Tenskwatawa, who prophesied in 1806 about the “end of the White man,” The Urantia Book happens to mention this same prophet, adding additional dots for us to connect.

I first began connecting the dots when I started to notice an acceleration of global events that appeared to be growing significantly and at a fever pitch right after the first solar eclipse; Trump getting elected president, COVID-19, social instability, race riots and increasing crisis here at home and abroad following a pandemic lockdown, including increasing tensions in Ukraine, and so forth. It seemed as if we were being asked to choose who we wanted to follow, the globalist, or the nationalist. Both have a completely different set of values.

The globalist wants to atomize mankind into units for “the greater good.” at its core, this communal ideology is rooted in godless communism. meanwhile, the globalist leaders are busy leading us off to more warfare vis-a-vis the secular government of the European Commission and the powerful elites of the World Economic Forum pushing into crisis so we will accept a great reset where we all get tagged like cattle and made to serve “the greater good.”

The Nationalist (at least in the US), believes States (as well as citizens of those States) are endowed with self-rule and, hence, enitieled to nothing less than personal freedoms, including the right to worship something greater than man-made institutions of power. The secular believes there is no higher power than the world government. To the religionist, God is the higher power, where our rights come from and who we serve. 

Today’s science, hense, secular ideology, dismisses religion as a guide to public policy, even thouigh the very underpinnings of the basis for Law and Ethics is rooted on spiritual validation; we are moral because we were “made in the image of God, ” who is the source of morality.

Back to Biden. 

His statement about what determines our future comes down to this. If this war with Russia escalates, it will undoubtedly lead to a World War as a series of global conflicts. emerge, i.e., China seizes Taiwan, and Russia, and China aligns powers to take on Europe and the U.S. 

Communist regimes may try to usurp democracies through guerilla warfare or terrorism, and the panic in the streets will most certainly affect the global supply chain, which puts the world in a state of confusion and crisis ten times greater than during the height of the pandemic. All of this portends to a series of events that ultimately leads to a consolidation of two or three great powers, both of which drag everyone into a quasi-martial law phase to sustain a constant state of war, hence, the globalist achieve their objective – centralized power on both sides.

This week, 535 members of the United States House of Representatives will decide the path the United States follows. If we continue to provide the hardware to this war between Ukraine and Russia, Russia will increase its attacks, which serves as a basis for increased retaliation, until ultimately NATO troops are engaged in a full-on war with Russia and its partners. How we decide, I believe, determines we we pass or fail the great test.

If we decide not to pursue the laid out by a war-determined Biden Administration, it is likely Biden will lose the election, Trump will win re-election, and peace negotiations may begin by next year and the path to peace can be regained. Equilibrium would be restored.

But something tells me by April 8th, every human on the planet will have made their decision between God, or man, peace or war, individualism, or globalism. being ruled, or being free.

And so depending on that outcome comes the prologue.

On February 13th, 2029 Apophis approaches the earth. It will come within 20,000 miles of the surface of the planet, close enough to veer off course and make a direct hit, which would be calamitous. 

I will make a prediction. If America continues to path to war, the asteroid in 2029 will sail along. If, however, mankind does not reject the siren song of war, rejects peace and goodwill, and rejects the secular globalist dream of endless wars and unlimited power, then I suspect our “unseen friends” will see no value in allowing us to be spared by the natural forces that are known from time to time to clean house.

Do They Have Zillow In Moscow?

By Jim Watkins

Bring A Bigger Shovel Next Time

by Jim Watkins

What a Trump Presidency Looks Like

Is Biden poison-pilling Trumps presidency?

by Jim Watkins

I am reminded of an important lesson I received when, as a kid, a friend of my father spent weeks trying to help my dad figure out what was wrong with our family car. For weeks on Saturdays, I would watch these two inexperienced men attempt to fix a jammed motor. My dad would pay his friend for the help, but it wasn’t until later a real mechanic informed my dad someone had poured syrup into the gas tank, which caused sugar to expand within the pistons of the engine, thereby disabling our already old VW station wagon. The culprit was my dad’s friend. Imagine that? A guy shows up and helps fix something he caused, and takes money for doing so, even though he’d known all along what he’d done.

I never saw the friend after that, and his wife, who would often stop in and visit my stepmother on occasion, was also never to be seen again.

The lesson I learned was that even your friends can screw you. I also learned that people like to create failure for their opposition when they know they are going to lose. Joe Biden is doing this right now, and what he is doing will most assuredly ail Trump if/when he wins the 2024 election; Biden knows Trump has a very good shot at winning, so the president is using his time left and deliberately pouring syrup into the engine of the White House.

Within less than 11 months, and if nothing else goes wrong, Trump, as the newly (re)-elected president, will inherit no less than three wars, a flailing economy, a 34 trillion dollar federal deficit, high crime rates across the country, a broken Southern border that has spilled at least nine-million new people into the country without being vetted, and a Deep State that doesn’t want him to succeed. If that isn’t pancake syrup gutting up an engine, then I don’t know what is.

I might even question Trump’s sanity – or his courage – to want to get anywhere near this calamitous effort of trying to fix what Biden has broken.

Biden is a disgrace. No other president in history has done more to cripple a country than the former Senator from Delaware. Devaluing the dollars, raising energy prices, forcing people to stay home, firing workers who showed up because they wouldn’t take a government-mandated experimental vaccine, causing massive instability in Ukraine through failed diplomacy, leaving thousands of men, women and children behind in Afghanistan, who because of his failed policy, now live under tyranny and death. Biden’s failure to protect Israel by doing business with Iran can not be forgotten; his encouragement of sanction of immoral health practices- even encouraging and supporting genital mutilation among “trans”youth is criminal; pandering to every progressive pipe dream no matter the cost, including the inefficient desire to be carbon-neutral without any credible science or benefit to support his goals is psychotic; all adding up to a country that has been mortally wounded with blow after blow of egregious and sociopathic leadership. This is the legacy of the Biden Presidency.


We call in the expert surgeon Donald Trump, and expect him to work the miracle of reviving the patient. We hope his surgical team is equally supportive of his desire to save the patient, but one cannot be too sure. Sometimes you can be handled the wrong scalpel, the patient might lose oxygen, or perhaps your assistant despises you, and will deliberately fuck you up just to make you look bad, just like the guy who poured syrup down your gas tank.

This is Trump’s reality. He must not only prepare for the worse, but he must also be mindful he could be surrounded by people who want him to fail.

This time Trump’s team – his inner circle, if you will– must be comprised of competent members who truly share his vision of remedial care; they must be consumed with but one desire, to get the machine running and to root out the impurities. Javier Milei, the newly elected president of Argentina has made headlines showing it is posible to reduce the waste of big government, something Trump did not do in his first term. He needs to make it a top priority this time around.


The Deep State are the people who have permanent government jobs, and who would never allow an elected executive to come in and dictate their careers. And it is the largesse of the Deep State that has made our government inefficient; it is why the taxpayers are 33 trillion dollars in debt, a debt that will eventually destroy the US economy. Trump needs to bring a machete.

Next are reforms in the judicial and intelligence departments. This is the slimy liquid that slowly creeps into the crevices of human life and rips away our constitutionally-protected right to be left alone. Biden and Obama have weaponized our Justice and Intelligence agencies to go after political opponents – even the American people who protest. They may not be the original devisers of weaponized government, but this cancerous abuse of power has only metastasized over the last two decades with them in charge. 

What Hillary Clinton caused by her Steel dossier is exactly why Trump must gut these agencies and bring people to justice who abused the citizens of our county, many of whom remain in jail today because they showed up to a protest. Americans will never again trust our Justice and law-enforcement agencies unless they are reformed. Trump was too nice the last time, and I believe most Americans would support him righting the wrongs of sociopathic leaders (and their henchmen) who turned our country into a banana republic.

I also have no doubt Trump will reverse those energy policies Biden crippled in 2021 during his first days in office. Once America regains its energy footing again, this will draw life blood from Putin, weakening his position in tearing Ukraine apart, and Trump will use our energy superioroty to leverage peace in the region. Trump will save Ukranian men so they can go back home to their wives, men who do not share Biden’s zeal for destroying Russian leadership at any cost.

I also believe American energy dependency and production will weaken Iran; By reinstating sanctions on countries who do business with Iran, Trump will reign in the Ayatollahs’ ability to sponsor terrorism in the region.

We will see wars ending under a Trump presidency, and this will reduce European tensions. In short, even those who disdain Trump today will benefit from his presidency, just as they experienced in his first term. Those who oppose him must be seen as enemies of the State. We must give no quarter to the ideologies (and idealogues) that work against the American people, we must deny and defend against those who want to wokify this country into a socialist hell hole, run by demagogues and Marxists who use ESG and DIE to extort American resources and make us weaker as a nation in a world filled with tyrants.

Regarding fixing the immigration problem Biden created by putting Kamala in charge:

It will be Trump bringing the hammer down on employers who hire people who are not U.S. citizens. Nothing will send people packing more effectively than a lack of job opportunities. And it will only take a strike of a pen to ensure 10 million asylum seekers Joe let in don’t become permanent welfare recipients. There are many ways to remove illegal immigrants besides “rounding them up.” Once communities become sick and tired of the crime and lack of affordable housing, Trump will have no trouble getting Congress to enact stringent immigration policy that will restore order to our borders. 

On reducing crime, once Trump is back in office and local law enforcement officers feel they have a system that has their back, recruitment will go up. Police will be back on the streets fighting crime and putting criminals back in jail, something the Democrats hate but the people will love because they feel feel again.

The only question is how much the engine has been damaged by President Biden. America is a resilient country. I’d like to believe no one person can do so much damage to a country as great as ours, but gosh darn it if Biden didn’t try like hell. We don’t yet see the damage under the hood.

History will not be kind to Biden’s legacy, and that is why he becomes more dangerous with each passing day. Don’t forget Biden still has his hands on the levers. Pray he takes more vacations in the coming months and not less, and that Trump doesn’t change his mind between now and November.