Jim Watkins | June 19, 2024

The Rubicon

Jim Watkins | May 30, 2024

Jim Watkins is the host of America Today on the Talk Media Network and the host of Speaking Out with Jim Watkins on Spotify. Follow him on X @realjimatkins1

Prediction on the Trump Verdict

Jim Watkins | May 24, 2022

Bring A Bigger Shovel Next Time

by Jim Watkins

Trump Is Not The Problem

By Jim Watkins


What a Trump Presidency Looks Like

Is Biden poison-pilling Trumps presidency?

by Jim Watkins

I am reminded of an important lesson I received when, as a kid, a friend of my father spent weeks trying to help my dad figure out what was wrong with our family car. For weeks on Saturdays, I would watch these two inexperienced men attempt to fix a jammed motor. My dad would pay his friend for the help, but it wasn’t until later a real mechanic informed my dad someone had poured syrup into the gas tank, which caused sugar to expand within the pistons of the engine, thereby disabling our already old VW station wagon. The culprit was my dad’s friend. Imagine that? A guy shows up and helps fix something he caused, and takes money for doing so, even though he’d known all along what he’d done.

I never saw the friend after that, and his wife, who would often stop in and visit my stepmother on occasion, was also never to be seen again.

The lesson I learned was that even your friends can screw you. I also learned that people like to create failure for their opposition when they know they are going to lose. Joe Biden is doing this right now, and what he is doing will most assuredly ail Trump if/when he wins the 2024 election; Biden knows Trump has a very good shot at winning, so the president is using his time left and deliberately pouring syrup into the engine of the White House.

Within less than 11 months, and if nothing else goes wrong, Trump, as the newly (re)-elected president, will inherit no less than three wars, a flailing economy, a 34 trillion dollar federal deficit, high crime rates across the country, a broken Southern border that has spilled at least nine-million new people into the country without being vetted, and a Deep State that doesn’t want him to succeed. If that isn’t pancake syrup gutting up an engine, then I don’t know what is.

I might even question Trump’s sanity – or his courage – to want to get anywhere near this calamitous effort of trying to fix what Biden has broken.

Biden is a disgrace. No other president in history has done more to cripple a country than the former Senator from Delaware. Devaluing the dollars, raising energy prices, forcing people to stay home, firing workers who showed up because they wouldn’t take a government-mandated experimental vaccine, causing massive instability in Ukraine through failed diplomacy, leaving thousands of men, women and children behind in Afghanistan, who because of his failed policy, now live under tyranny and death. Biden’s failure to protect Israel by doing business with Iran can not be forgotten; his encouragement of sanction of immoral health practices- even encouraging and supporting genital mutilation among “trans”youth is criminal; pandering to every progressive pipe dream no matter the cost, including the inefficient desire to be carbon-neutral without any credible science or benefit to support his goals is psychotic; all adding up to a country that has been mortally wounded with blow after blow of egregious and sociopathic leadership. This is the legacy of the Biden Presidency.


We call in the expert surgeon Donald Trump, and expect him to work the miracle of reviving the patient. We hope his surgical team is equally supportive of his desire to save the patient, but one cannot be too sure. Sometimes you can be handled the wrong scalpel, the patient might lose oxygen, or perhaps your assistant despises you, and will deliberately fuck you up just to make you look bad, just like the guy who poured syrup down your gas tank.

This is Trump’s reality. He must not only prepare for the worse, but he must also be mindful he could be surrounded by people who want him to fail.

This time Trump’s team – his inner circle, if you will– must be comprised of competent members who truly share his vision of remedial care; they must be consumed with but one desire, to get the machine running and to root out the impurities. Javier Milei, the newly elected president of Argentina has made headlines showing it is posible to reduce the waste of big government, something Trump did not do in his first term. He needs to make it a top priority this time around.


The Deep State are the people who have permanent government jobs, and who would never allow an elected executive to come in and dictate their careers. And it is the largesse of the Deep State that has made our government inefficient; it is why the taxpayers are 33 trillion dollars in debt, a debt that will eventually destroy the US economy. Trump needs to bring a machete.

Next are reforms in the judicial and intelligence departments. This is the slimy liquid that slowly creeps into the crevices of human life and rips away our constitutionally-protected right to be left alone. Biden and Obama have weaponized our Justice and Intelligence agencies to go after political opponents – even the American people who protest. They may not be the original devisers of weaponized government, but this cancerous abuse of power has only metastasized over the last two decades with them in charge. 

What Hillary Clinton caused by her Steel dossier is exactly why Trump must gut these agencies and bring people to justice who abused the citizens of our county, many of whom remain in jail today because they showed up to a protest. Americans will never again trust our Justice and law-enforcement agencies unless they are reformed. Trump was too nice the last time, and I believe most Americans would support him righting the wrongs of sociopathic leaders (and their henchmen) who turned our country into a banana republic.

I also have no doubt Trump will reverse those energy policies Biden crippled in 2021 during his first days in office. Once America regains its energy footing again, this will draw life blood from Putin, weakening his position in tearing Ukraine apart, and Trump will use our energy superioroty to leverage peace in the region. Trump will save Ukranian men so they can go back home to their wives, men who do not share Biden’s zeal for destroying Russian leadership at any cost.

I also believe American energy dependency and production will weaken Iran; By reinstating sanctions on countries who do business with Iran, Trump will reign in the Ayatollahs’ ability to sponsor terrorism in the region.

We will see wars ending under a Trump presidency, and this will reduce European tensions. In short, even those who disdain Trump today will benefit from his presidency, just as they experienced in his first term. Those who oppose him must be seen as enemies of the State. We must give no quarter to the ideologies (and idealogues) that work against the American people, we must deny and defend against those who want to wokify this country into a socialist hell hole, run by demagogues and Marxists who use ESG and DIE to extort American resources and make us weaker as a nation in a world filled with tyrants.

Regarding fixing the immigration problem Biden created by putting Kamala in charge:

It will be Trump bringing the hammer down on employers who hire people who are not U.S. citizens. Nothing will send people packing more effectively than a lack of job opportunities. And it will only take a strike of a pen to ensure 10 million asylum seekers Joe let in don’t become permanent welfare recipients. There are many ways to remove illegal immigrants besides “rounding them up.” Once communities become sick and tired of the crime and lack of affordable housing, Trump will have no trouble getting Congress to enact stringent immigration policy that will restore order to our borders. 

On reducing crime, once Trump is back in office and local law enforcement officers feel they have a system that has their back, recruitment will go up. Police will be back on the streets fighting crime and putting criminals back in jail, something the Democrats hate but the people will love because they feel feel again.

The only question is how much the engine has been damaged by President Biden. America is a resilient country. I’d like to believe no one person can do so much damage to a country as great as ours, but gosh darn it if Biden didn’t try like hell. We don’t yet see the damage under the hood.

History will not be kind to Biden’s legacy, and that is why he becomes more dangerous with each passing day. Don’t forget Biden still has his hands on the levers. Pray he takes more vacations in the coming months and not less, and that Trump doesn’t change his mind between now and November.

Memo to the Left: The Real Fascist Isn’t Donald Trump

The Left is preparing their anti-Trump strategy. They will create the myth that Trump is the fascist.

But who is the real fascist in our midst? Who has exhibited more fascist-like behavior?

Let us look at the facts.

As I understand fascism, as I learned about Hitler fascism, which I assume is the same fascism the Left is spewing on about, is when private business must work for, or on behalf of, the government. It also means government agencies monitor or surveil private citizens without due process and arrest political opponents who spread “disinformation” that goes against the State’s narrative on a wide range of topics or send secret law enforcement officers to intimidate and arrest people who, having not committed a crime, are labeled as “existential threats” because they can spread “bad ideas” that pose a threat to “Our Democracy.” 

When during Trump’s tenure in office did he do any of these kinds of autocratic dictates?

Did Trump round up gays and lesbians, or people of color calling them an existential threat? 


Did the feds show up and arrest BLM and Antifa protestors during the 2018 and 2019 riots that caused billions of dollars in damage? 

No, they did not.

Did Trump contact social media tech companies and insist they suppress speech, and force these companies to install agents within the ranks of Facebook and Twitter?

No, Trump did none of these things.

On the other hand, Biden forced companies into reducing production because they pose a “threat to the climate.

Biden hired 87,000 new IRS agents whose job it is to scour the country looking for middle-class tax cheats and snoop into people’s bank accounts if they deposited more than 600 dollars. 

It was Biden’s energy department that punished energy companies that didn’t comply with his green energy agenda, putting the burden on taxpayers by driving up fuel prices.

And didn’t Biden create new laws to create a “protected class” of people (anyone not white), so that even language was changed on most federal documents?

Did not Biden and his Health Agency fire doctors and nurses because they refused to take a government-issued experimental vaccine? 

And did not this same president punish military personnel and airline pilots for non-compliance in a grand experimental national vaccine program? 

And is not this same executive officer promising to go after anyone who tries to stop children from receiving government-sponsored gender reassignment surgery so that they can “love whoever they please?” 

And did not this same president allow for the unfettered entrance of at least seven million people, risking the present and future safety of the very citizens he swore to protect when he placed his hand on that bible on the day of his inauguration?

In looking back over the past 7 and 1/2 years, who has acted more like a fascist, Biden or Trump?

History will show Biden acts a lot more like a fascist than Trump ever did on his worst day.

People who live in the real world, those in flyover country, in the suburbs, in the low-income neighborhoods,  the inner cities apartments, and in the middle-class neighborhoods spread across communities across America, see the tyrant that is Joe Biden, and they are pissed because the elite and the privileged have enabled this man to turn our once-beautiful country into a progressively socialist hell-hole where poverty and deaths are rising with each passing day.

Remember this: every time you call Trump a white supremacist, a fascist, or some other pejorative term, you only embolden the people even further against you, the Rachel Maddow and Joy Reids’ of the world. 

You are the anti-American, you are the fascist, and it is you who project your desires upon a man you despise because of the threat he poses to your twisted interpretation of how society should be, destroying every statue and institution along the way.  

The good thing is when Trump wins in 2024, you will be spared the wrath of a fascist because people like us believe in law and order, we believe in fair play, and we love our country so much we will take the high road, even fighting for your right to speak freely, even if we despise what you say.

But you will have been exposed for your disloyalty, and you will be denied your credibility, leaving you poweress to cause more harm. You will be imprisoned in the hellhole of your twisted mind, a mind corrupted by hate for someone who is only guilty of loving a country founded upon true liberty and freedom.